How To Set Up a Free Hamachi Server

How to Set Up a Minecraft Multiplayer Server with a Free Hamachi Network

1.       Log on to and locate the “Download” button as seen in the picture below.

2.       Locate the section entitled “Multiplayer Server” and click the link shown in the picture below. You will download a .exe that is 100% safe. Make sure you click run NOT save!

3.       Locate the Application, most likely in your “Downloads” Library (Windows 7). It will be called “Minecraft_Server”. Before running it, I strongly suggest you make a new empty folder that will solely be for the server. Once it is in the folder, double-click it. A window like the one below should appear. Click run.

4.       After clicking run, the server console will appear. Let it finish until it says something along the lines of “[INFO] Done (9.412s)! For help, type "help"

5.       You will also notice that in the Windows Explorer program the folder you designated for the server has additional items. I will go through only two of them.
6.       Double click the PROPERTIES FILE called “server” like the one shown below. A window should open in your default text editor program, usually Notepad. For now, let’s close the Server Console. You won’t need it until later.

7.       Open up LogMeIn Hamachi and Power it on. Go to Network>Create a new network and enter a unique name and password you will remember.

8.       Take notice of the IPv4 Address above your computer’s name in the LogMeIn Hamachi window. Right-mouse click it and hit “copy IPv4 address.” This is also going to be your server’s IP address in the future that you will give out to your friends.
9.       Paste the IPv4 address into the area shown below. The rest of the settings in the .txt file you can find out more at

10.   Close out of the .txt file and make sure to SAVE! If you want to just run a random seed world, then do not go on to step 11.  All you have to do is run the server console, have LogMeIn Hamachi running, and the IPv4 address in the place shown above!

And remember, the IPv4 address is what you give out to your friends! They also must be in the Hamachi network for them to have access to the server!

If you want to learn how to make your server run a custom map, keep reading the next few steps!

11.   This part is fairly simple! Once you have downloaded the custom map, you will usually need to unzip it to find the world file. It will often be titled the name of either the map or called “world”. Snoop around until you find a file which has similar contents to the one shown below!

12.   Go back to the folder with all your server items in it and find the folder titled “world”. Open it and delete the contents. Make sure the server console isn’t running when you do this. Go to the folder with the custom map files in it and select all and move them to the “world” folder in your main server folder.

13.   Re-open the server console and make sure there are no errors when it re-generates the world you just fed it. It might take some time so don’t worry if you see the percentages slowly increase! And there you have it!
All you have to do is run the server console, have LogMeIn Hamachi running, and the IPv4 address in the place shown above! And remember, the IPv4 address is what you give out to your friends! They also must be in the Hamachi network for them to have access to the server!
Every Minecraft update, you must get a new Minecraft_Server.exe file but the setup steps shouldn’t differ to far from what you previously did!


Thank you for reading. I hope I have been a help to you! Stuck? Need help with anything related to this or to Minecraft? Shoot me an email at!
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If you need help with something on this guide, tell me exactly what step you are on and explain in detail what isn’t working!
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